Marketing Launches New Mission, Online Store: For Fake’s Sake

Chiara Colombi
April 1, 2021 Launches New Mission, Online Store: For Fake’s Sake
In this article

    To celebrate our Spring product updates announced earlier this week, we’re excited to expand our offerings to you with the launch of our online store: For Fake’s Sake. The products you’ll find therein epitomize our new mission to elevate inauthenticity in all of its forms.

    The world at large has put so much value into “authenticity” in recent years. We think it’s high time that changed, and we’re proud to be leading the way.

    We firmly believe that fake is the new real. And we’re not the only ones. Just look at all the ways inauthenticity is adding value to our daily lives. Impossible burgers are now possible and juicy. Splenda lets us have our sugar and consume something close enough to it too. Fake or Fortune? is turning us all into art experts. And deepfakes are making the truth a thing of the past, because who needs facts anyway.

    Fake it till you make it? That’s both nonsense and offensive. In this brave new world, faking it IS making it. Which is why we gladly reply to every scam email we receive, we warmly embrace mystery shoppers at our webinars, and we explicitly seek out candidates with blatant fallacies on their resumes.

    We invite you to join us in our celebration and proliferation of all things fake by visiting For Fake’s Sake and browsing our curated selection of the finest shams the world has to offer. From would-be designer bags to not-so-non-fungible tokens, consider it your one-stop-shop for rip-offs.

    Fake. Phoney. Forgery. Dupe. Fraud. Counterfeit. False. Hoax. Bogus. Knock-off. Er-freakin-satz. All synonyms. For what? Synthetic. AKA artificial. The only difference is that those last two are the apples of the tech world’s eyes. Well, stretch those eyes wide open, techies—we’ve got some new apples for you to feast on.

    Chiara Colombi
    Director of Product Marketing
    A bilingual wordsmith dedicated to the art of engineering with words, Chiara has over a decade of experience supporting corporate communications at multi-national companies. She once translated for the Pope; it has more overlap with translating for developers than you might think.